Friday, November 25, 2011

Tips on middle school please not about dating just i need tips?

wats gym class like?

wat do u learn in health

wat should u wear

cute guys

are the lunches good

is it hard to find ur classes

wat extras should i put in my class locker

wat should i put in my gym locker

strict teachers

how to meet friends

most detailed answer wins

should u wear makeup

howw do u ask a guy out

thanksTips on middle school please not about dating just i need tips?
1. Gym class in middle school is alot different then it is in elementary school. The first difference is that you have to change for it. There will be a girls locker room and a boys locker room. You will have your own locker and will have to change in front of the other girls. There is usually a bathroom in the girls locker room though, so if you are really cautious about changing in front of other girls, then you should change in the bathroom. In the actually gym, you will have to do stuff you probably didnt' have to do in elementary. Like, in my school, we have to run a mile once a week, and I didn't do that in elementary.

2. In health, you have to learn about sex, drugs, and other stuff like that. You pretty much learn about the consequences of doing drugs and smoking. You learn about the parts of the body and how you make a baby. In my health class, we had to put a condom on a banana, so its pretty sick when you are learning about the sex part, especially when you have a male as a teacher and you're a girl(which is my situation.) Also, they don't seperate the boys and the girls, which may be a little uncomfortable.

3. The best thing to wear is a regular top with a pair of jeans, capris, shorts, or a skirt, but make sure the skirt isn't too short, or people will think you are a slut. You can pretty much wear whatever you want as long as its normal and other people would think its normal, because you can get made fun of because of what you wear.

4. In middle school, guys are cute, but really immature. They're hormones are running all over the place, which means that they will do sick stuff like hump anything that doesnt move, like desks, lockers, purses, etc. So don't think that you will have a very serious relationship in middle school.

5. In my opinion, the lunches are better and you have more of a variety. you will have to pay more to get lunch in middle school in elementary though.

6. For the first week, it is a little hard finding your classes without being late, because the classrooms are over the place, and you may run into some of your friends, so it will be hard to get from class to class your first few days. You may even walk into the wrong class, but I got through it by sticking with a friend who is in all of my classes, so at least if we did walk in the wrong class, we both would be embarrassed. Most teachers will let you slide for being late the first couple of days of school though.

7. In your locker, you should put up some colored paper, so that you have a background color. You should also put up posters of your favorite singers, pictures of you and your friends and family, and a stuffed animal for good luck. You should also put up a little board to write reminders on. Stickers and magnets are also good. You should also have a mirror in case you have something stuck in your teeth after lunch. (Especilly if your crush is in your class that you have after lunch.)

8. Every single year of middle and high school, there will always be at least 1 teacher that you just don't like and are really mean. The good thing is you will only have to deal with them for about 40 minutes to a hour until you can leave that class and go to the next. The best thing you can do is just pay attention, be on your best behavior, and do all of your homework.

9. All of your friends will not be in all of your classes, so you can easily make new friends. You can join clubs, play sports, and sit with different people at lunch. Making friends is not as hard as everyone makes it out to be.

10. I don't think that you should go all out with makeup in middle school. Just put on a little bit of lip gloss and you are good.

11. Whenever I like a guy and I want to ask him out, I send a friend to ask him out for me. That way, if he says no, then he doesn't get to see me break down and cry, and my friend will already be there to comfort me. If he does say no, just move on and don't make a big deal out of it. If he says yes, congratulations!!!!!

Well hope I helpedTips on middle school please not about dating just i need tips?
Most of your questions depend on what school you go to. Gym class is very normal. You just do many different sports through out the year and most schools have fitness test like how many sit-ups or push ups you can do or how long it takes you to run a mile or how much you can stretch.

In health you learn about well... health. Things like what you should eat. Nutrients bla bla bla. Its a pretty boring class. You also learn about drugs and tobacco abuse. Sometimes also about diseases. On thing you will Always do every single year is sex edd. which can be a bit awkward the first time you listen about it but you will know all you need to know...

Lunches... well it depends but usually they are unhealthy.

By the end of the first week you will know all of your classes and maybe your friend's classes by heart.

Lockers are your friend. Use them. Leave all the stuff that you don't need to bring home in there so your backpack is not heavy.

In your gym locker you can leave your shoes, a brush and deoderant/ perfume but don't leave your clothes because they can stink.

With strict teachers always do your homework and if they say be quiet well be quiet.

Make up depends but usually don't its bad for you. But if you want to put something just put a light eye shadow and a light lip gloss with mascara and/or eye liner but don't put too much or you will look bad/a slut.

Guys... well... first get to know them and become friends. You should be comfortable speaking with each other. Dances are the best time to ask them out :P

Good Luck
Why are you stressing out about it? Really it seems overwhelming but you will be fine once you are used to the school.

Gym class: just like PE, you have to change your clothes in the locker room with all the other girls, so don't be shy and wear clean undies

Health: I didn't have that until HS, but mostly they teach personal hygiene, sex issues, nutrition, and overall health.

Wear: I will go with what NOT to wear, cutesy cartoon characters, slutty tops/shorts. Just keep an eye on what everyone else is wearing and don't copy them just use it as a guidline.

Guys: Don't worry about them, and don't come on too strong to them cuz you will scare them away. Just be sweet to everyone.

Lunch: Give it a try for your fist week, if its good buy it. If it is nasty bring your own- my MS had awesome hot lunch.

Finding Classes: The first week it can be confusing and the school seems huge, but then you will realize that it is not that bad. If you get lost ask a cute boy to help you find your way :)

Class Locker: Mirror, magnetic notepad, extra lip gloss/chapstick, extra pens and pencils, look at the store they have cute locker sets with all those types of things in them

Gym Locker: socks, deodorant, brush, hair accesories, body spray (for after gym)

Teachers: As long as you do the work and follow instructions your teachers will not be that bad. Just do what they say and they will learn to like you a lot too.

Meeting Friends: the way that I met my friends in MS, (that I am still friends with today 10 years later) is I joined sports. One for each season, Volleyball in fall, Basketball in winter, and track in spring. I met so many people from my school and other schools it was hard not to make friends.

Makeup: What will your parents let you wear? I would say to start with mascara this year. You are still young and naturally pretty so don't pancake it on, even if the other girls do. It looks silly and it is gross.

Ask out a guy: just ask if he wants to go see a movie or go bowling or go to your friends birthday party with you. Or ask if he wants to sit with you at lunch.
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