Friday, July 30, 2010

OMG! Help me!! Dating tips!?

I am going out with this hottie and I just... EVERYTIME I SEE HIM, I'LL SNORT LIKE A LITTLE PIGGY!!! I can't do that!!OMG! Help me!! Dating tips!?
All I can say is stay relaxed. The key to this situation is to ';be yourself';!! Don't freak out and try to put on a show or be someone else. If you are already going out with him he obviously notices you and wants to get to know the real ';you';. Remember everything happens for a reason.OMG! Help me!! Dating tips!?
Relax, make sure to put on something smart and appropirate for the occassion, be yourself, listen carefully and remember you don't have to answer a question right after its asked, make eye contact if you like him and enjoy yourself. Live the nite like never before and you know what we guys like, try saving a couple of bucks if applicable, that will put a sting on him for sure. Paying for your taxi fare will make him wonder wow. Insisting to drink water instead of buying you a pop corn and coke (movie) can be a relief for him but will keep him wondering and would wanna know more about you, or try sharing with him if possible(pop corn but different bottles). Just don't be an everyday gurl, leave positive question marks.
Just stay calm and relaxed when he is around. Remember he is just a normal guy, eventhough he is a hottie.
dont worry about it . the more you worry the more your likely to do that . if you have been out with the guy before then he must like you .

so calm down .
just be yourself and improve your life.
1. Stay cool. Don't be stresssed.

2. Dont worry, that is what makes girls those annoying dates.

3. Make sure that you look like you are really enjoying the date, (even if you arent)

4. Dont push things too fast.

5. Never talk about past relationships.

6. Stay down to earth

7. Have a great time!
Just try to stay calm around him. Take a deep breath and try not to be sooo into him. The snorting should stop then.

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