Friday, July 30, 2010

Any tips for dating really short guys? and how will this affect my salvation?

just asking this here because r%26amp;s has the funniest answerers.Any tips for dating really short guys? and how will this affect my salvation?
That depends on which part is really short.

????Any tips for dating really short guys? and how will this affect my salvation?
Define ';really';
Invest in really cute flats.
You will go to hell if you dates short guys.
Gomez is short, and he has been my salvation!!

Go ahead, 芦and shoulders if you can禄
As a tall guy, it is so hard for me to resist short jokes. So I guess if you want to date a jockey...damn, I mean short guy, you should.
hey watch it, Im a short guy.

remember we dont like bein called short, we are ';fun sized';
Let them catch you staring at their hairlines. You will have them in check for weeks. They will have no idea what to think and they will be like putty in your hands.
just dont and it wont
Stay horizontal and it won't matter.
Wear high heels and rip out his soul.

God Bless.
in answer to the second part of your question, it won't. Have a great day!
Try finding a guy not self-conscious about it, or remain sitting a lot. I don't think a midget fetish will affect your salvation...too much.
You will be rewarded with 100 virgins when you reach salvation for being ultra nice to people who don't get too much attention from the female world...!
rebel wear high heels cause a date isn't a date until he starts drooling
1. Wear flats

2. No big hair

3. Buy him some cowboy boots or sh!tkickers

4. Be warned--the Napoleon complex is not a myth!

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