Friday, July 30, 2010

I need dating tips' can u give me them?

Well, if you're guy I'd suggest always making sure you open the door for your date. It's such a small gesture, but really makes a huge impression. Car doors are included!! Always walk to the front door to pick your date up and always walk your date to the door again at the end. Make sure to smile a lot. It will make your date feel more comfortable and reassure her that you're having a good time and you're into her. Don't forget to make plenty of eye contact and at least act like you're really enjoying everything she says, even if you might not be. Also, make sure to keep your eyes directed at her the whole time, and not on anyone else. Walk behind her and casually guide her with your hand on her back. Pay attention to her body language. If she smiles when she looks at you and giggles a lot, she likes you. Try holding her hand and she'll really melt.

Good luck!! :)I need dating tips' can u give me them?
whatever u do don't over do it.

-go with an open mind- don't underestimate ur date and don't get ur hopes up thinking he/she can be the one

-dress right. make an effort but not too much and dont over do it on the perfume.

-just be urself. start by making convo about general things subjects until u establish a level of comfort , then u start to ask about interests. topics that usually go well are music coz everyone likes so kind of music, sports, ambitions

try not to ask about family

-offer to pay for ur own half (don't insist) unless u r the guy then u offer to pay for the whole lot.

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